Steps to Create an Internal Communication Plan

Steps to Create an Internal Communication Plan

This article presents a comprehensive guide on the steps involved in creating an internal communication plan.

Table of Contents

Effective internal communication is crucial for the success of any organisation. Without a well-planned internal communication strategy, businesses can face miscommunication, low employee morale, and a lack of alignment among teams.

A strong internal communication plan is necessary for organisations of all sizes and industries. It ensures that employees are well-informed about company goals, changes, and updates, and fosters a sense of belonging and teamwork.

In this article, I’ll guide you through the steps to create an internal communication plan that will strengthen your organisation and enhance productivity. From defining your objectives to selecting the right communication channels, I’ll cover everything you need to know to develop an effective internal communication strategy.

Key Takeaways

  • Conduct a comprehensive analysis of internal communication processes
  • Establish clear communication goals and align messaging with overall objectives
  • Measure communication effectiveness through appropriate measurement techniques and gather feedback through surveys and focus groups
  • Tailor messages to resonate with the target audience and address communication barriers and preferences

Assessing Your Communication Needs

Assessing communication needs involves conducting a comprehensive analysis of the organisation’s internal communication processes and identifying areas that require improvement or refinement. This step is crucial in developing an effective internal communication plan as it helps identify potential gaps in communication and areas that need improvement.

By assessing communication gaps, organisations can understand where breakdowns occur and take necessary steps to address them. This assessment also allows for evaluating the current communication flow within the organisation and identifying any bottlenecks or inefficiencies that hinder effective information sharing.

Through this process, organisations can identify specific goals for improving their communication flow, such as enhancing clarity, timeliness, and relevance of information shared among employees. Assessing communication needs provides a foundation for designing a tailored internal communication plan that addresses the unique requirements of the organisation while fostering open and efficient channels of communication.

Related: Learn how to develop an internal communications strategy (and why this is different to a plan).

Defining Your Communication Objectives

Clear communication goals help organisations align their messaging with their overall objectives, ensuring that all messages are targeted and impactful.

Measuring communication effectiveness allows organisations to assess the impact of their communication efforts and make informed decisions on how to improve future communications.

Clear Communication Goals

One important aspect to consider when developing an internal communication plan is the establishment of clear communication goals. Clear communication goals are essential for guiding the overall direction and focus of internal communications within an organisation.

These goals serve as a framework for developing clear communication strategies and effective communication techniques that align with the organisation’s objectives and desired outcomes. By setting clear communication goals, organisations can ensure that their messages are delivered consistently, accurately, and in a timely manner to employees at all levels.

Additionally, clear communication goals help organisations measure the success of their internal communications efforts and make necessary adjustments to improve effectiveness.

Overall, establishing clear communication goals is crucial for creating a strong foundation upon which an effective internal communication plan can be built.

Measuring Communication Effectiveness

To gauge the effectiveness of communication efforts, organisations must employ appropriate measurement techniques that evaluate the extent to which messages are comprehended and aligned with desired outcomes.

Measuring communication effectiveness involves gathering feedback and evaluating various aspects of the communication process. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, or analysing response rates to determine whether messages are being understood by the intended audience.

Feedback is crucial in identifying areas for improvement and ensuring that communication strategies are achieving their goals. Evaluation helps organisations assess if their messages are delivered in a clear and concise manner, reaching the intended recipients effectively.

Identifying Your Target Audience

In order to effectively communicate with your target audience, it is crucial to define clear communication objectives.

These objectives serve as the foundation for developing an internal communication plan that aligns with the organisation’s goals and values.

Analysing employee demographics helps to identify specific characteristics and preferences of the target audience, enabling the tailoring of messages in a way that resonates with them and maximises their engagement and understanding.

Defining Communication Objectives

Defining communication objectives involves clearly articulating the desired outcomes of internal communication efforts. This step is crucial in developing an effective internal communication plan. Communication goals should align with the overall strategic objectives of the organisation and contribute to its success.

Setting communication objectives requires a careful analysis of the current state of internal communication, identifying areas for improvement, and determining specific targets to be achieved. Objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). They should address key areas such as enhancing employee engagement, improving knowledge sharing, fostering collaboration, and promoting organisational culture.

Clear and well-defined objectives provide a roadmap for internal communicators to guide their efforts and evaluate their impact. By setting communication objectives that are aligned with organisational goals, companies can ensure that their internal communication efforts contribute effectively to achieving desired outcomes.

Bonus: Read our complete guide on Internal Communications.

Analysing Employee Demographics

Analysing employee demographics provides valuable insights into the composition and characteristics of the workforce, aiding organisations in understanding their employees’ backgrounds, experiences, and diversity. This information is crucial for creating effective internal communication strategies that cater to the needs of different employee groups. By analysing employee engagement levels within these demographics, organisations can identify potential areas of improvement and tailor their communication approaches accordingly.

Understanding communication barriers is another important aspect of analysing employee demographics. Different individuals may have varying preferences or limitations when it comes to communication channels or styles. For instance, some employees may prefer face-to-face interactions while others may be more comfortable with written communication. Identifying and addressing these barriers can help organisations foster a more inclusive and effective internal communication environment.

The following table illustrates a hypothetical example of how employee demographics can be analysed to gain insights into engagement levels and communication preferences:

DemographicEngagement LevelPreferred Communication Channel
Age GroupHighEmail
GenderModerateIn-person meetings
EducationLowOnline platforms

This analysis allows organisations to prioritise their efforts in engaging different demographic groups effectively by utilising preferred communication channels tailored to each group’s needs.

Tailoring Messages Effectively

Tailoring messages effectively requires understanding the specific needs, preferences, and communication styles of different demographic groups within an organisation’s workforce. By adopting effective messaging techniques and tailoring communication to these groups, organisations can ensure that their messages are received and understood by all employees.

Some key strategies for tailoring messages include:

  • Using language and terminology that is familiar and relatable to each group.
  • Considering cultural differences and adjusting communication accordingly.
  • Utilising various channels of communication to reach different groups (e.g., email, intranet, face-to-face meetings).
  • Personalising messages by addressing individual concerns or interests.

Developing Your Key Messages

Crafting clear and concise key messages is crucial in the development of an internal communication plan. Key messages serve as the foundation for effective communication within an organisation, ensuring that employees receive consistent and impactful information.

When crafting compelling messages, it is important to consider effective messaging techniques that resonate with the audience. These techniques include using simple language, focusing on benefits rather than features, and incorporating storytelling elements to engage employees.

Additionally, key messages should be tailored to address specific needs and concerns of different employee groups. To illustrate this point further, a table can be used to outline different messaging techniques and their corresponding impact on employee engagement:

Messaging TechniqueImpact on Employee Engagement
Use of Simple LanguageEnhances clarity and understanding
Focus on BenefitsMotivates employees
Incorporation of StorytellingIncreases emotional connection
Tailored Messages for EmployeesAddresses specific needs

Choosing the Right Communication Channels

Selecting appropriate communication channels is essential in ensuring effective dissemination of information within an organisation, allowing for seamless and efficient communication among employees. To maximise engagement and enhance internal communication, organisations should consider the following platforms:

  • Intranet: A secure online platform that allows for centralised information sharing, collaboration, and document management.
  • Email: An electronic messaging system that enables quick and direct communication between individuals or groups.
  • Instant Messaging: Real-time messaging applications that facilitate swift and informal conversations.
  • Video Conferencing: Virtual meetings conducted through video and audio technology to connect geographically dispersed teams.

By carefully selecting these platforms, organisations can create a well-rounded internal communication plan that caters to different preferences and work styles.

This approach fosters increased employee engagement, promotes information flow, and strengthens team collaboration. Ultimately, the selection of appropriate channels contributes to an environment of open communication and organisational transparency.

Implementing Your Communication Plan

Having chosen the appropriate communication channels, the next step in creating an internal communication plan is implementing strategies to ensure its effectiveness.

Implementation involves putting the plan into action and monitoring its progress to make necessary adjustments. To successfully implement the plan, it is crucial to establish clear objectives and allocate resources accordingly. This may involve training employees on effective communication practices or providing them with tools and technologies that facilitate communication.

Regularly evaluating the effectiveness of the implemented strategies will help identify any gaps or areas for improvement. Monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) such as employee engagement, information retention, and feedback response rates can provide valuable insights into the plan’s impact.

Evaluating and Adjusting Your Communication Strategy

To ensure the effectiveness of a communication strategy, it is important to regularly evaluate its impact and make necessary adjustments. Evaluating the effectiveness of a communication strategy involves assessing its overall performance and determining whether it has achieved its intended goals. This evaluation process allows organisations to identify areas that require improvement or modification in order to enhance the strategy’s effectiveness.

Tip: schedule regular internal communication touchpoints so that you can learn what’s working and the areas that need improvement.

Adjusting the communication strategy involves making changes based on the evaluation findings, such as revising messaging, refining target audience selection, or modifying communication channels. By continuously evaluating and adjusting their communication strategies, organisations can optimise their internal communications and ensure that they are effectively reaching and engaging their employees.

  • Conduct surveys or feedback sessions with employees to gather insights on the clarity and relevance of internal communications.
  • Monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, or engagement levels to measure the effectiveness of different communication channels.
  • Analyse employee feedback data to identify common themes or issues that may indicate areas for improvement in the communication strategy.
  • Regularly review industry best practices and benchmark against other organisations’ internal communication strategies to stay current and competitive.


In conclusion, creating an effective internal communication plan requires careful assessment of communication needs, clear definition of objectives, and identification of the target audience.

It also involves the development of key messages, selection of appropriate communication channels, implementation of the plan, and ongoing evaluation and adjustment.

By following these steps in a strategic manner, organisations can ensure that their internal communications are clear, concise, and aligned with their goals.

This will ultimately lead to improved collaboration and productivity within the organisation.

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