What does a social media manager actually do?

What does a social media manager actually do?

Broadly speaking, a social media manager is a content creator, a storyteller, an analyst and the person who looks after your brand’s social media profiles.

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A social media manager is a wide ranging role and no two roles are the same. Broadly speaking, a social media manager is a content creator, a storyteller, an analyst and the person who looks after your brand’s social media profiles.

When you employ the services of a social media manager, you are placing a lot of trust in them. This is a position that carries a lot of responsibility. As the public face of your brand, they are responsible for managing your brand’s reputation. A social media manager brings professionalism and experience to your team. No matter what size of business you have or what industry you operate in, a social media manager will improve your marketing return.

Do you need a social media manager?

To find out if your business needs a social media manager, start by answering these questions.

Do you already have social media accounts?

If your answer is no, then you need help with your social media. A social media manager will provide you with expert advice and get you started. If you already have social media accounts, a social media manager can help you achieve your marketing goals.

Do you have the necessary resources required to support your social media accounts?

Managing social media accounts is more than a few facebook posts and the odd tweet. Each platform requires sustained effort to build your audience. This means content. And lots of it. All different types of content, from video to text.

So, do you have a team of people who can pump out the right content for your audience to each of your social media accounts, every day?

If you don’t, a social media manager will provide this service. Learn more: managing social media accounts for multiple clients is a key responsibility of a social media manager.

Can you repackage content into multiple forms and schedule it to publish to multiple social media accounts?

You have written a blog post, can you turn that into a series of tweets?

Can you create graphics that promote that blog post?

Can you turn that blog post into a video?

This is what a social media manager will do for you. But it’s not all about content.

Do you know how to measure your social media performance?

A social media manager will provide you with regular reports.

Can you place ads on social networks?

Digital advertising can give you an advantage over your competitors. A social media manager can place ads on your behalf and ensure you get the best value for money.

A social media manager gives you back TIME

Those are all valid reasons for needing a social media manager. But, if you value your time (if you really value your time), you’ll want a social media manager because they will give you back your time. If you’re juggling multiple tasks as a business manager, you will not be able to succeed at social media.

You have 3 options:

  1. Continue to do social media as you are.
  2. Let one of your team focus on your social media
  3. Or bring in expertise in the form of a social media manager.

Which option will give you the greatest return on your investment?

Download the PDF ‘Do you need a social media manager?

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